Weekend Gem-Chambers Lakes
The Chambers Lakes area in between South and Middle Sisters is one of the finest destinations in the Oregon Cascades, in my opinion. You can traverse in between the Sisters and hike around Middle and North Sisters or just the South Sister. Spend the day doing a non-technical climb to the top of Middle […]
Weekend Gem-Jade’s Surprise Loop
The Alpine Lakes Wilderness holds a lot of amazing places in it’s core. From high windswept ridges to deep blue lakes tucked into the granitic mountainsides, it’s got it all. This 36 mile trip takes you up cascading Deception Creek from Rd. 6088 to it’s Pass and onward into the meadowy expanse below Marmot Lake, where you […]
Momentous Adventures -The Three Sisters Loop
This is the grand slam of Central Oregon’s Three Sisters area, as you get to see most of the best spots in one fantastic trip. Start off on this 59 mile loop that includes a vast wild flower meadow, deep green lakes and high passes that get you closer to this volcanic family. It is […]