A crash course in NW trail hazzards

Posted by on Mar 10, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

In my Backpacking Basics classes, I have found that a large majority of people have ungrounded fears about mountain travel that affect their ability to totally relax in a remote setting. It seems for most of these people it is a fear of animals like bears or mountain lions while others have a general fear […]

Winter on the beach: My favorite coast hikes

Posted by on Feb 24, 2015 in Trail Reports | No Comments

The winter is a great time to visit the coast and get a hike in. The costal mountains in the Northwest receive the most amount of rainfall in the region, but usually only a dusting in snow. Some things to expect to see on the trails this time of year is a lot of mud, […]

Winter in the Gorge: My favorite day hikes

Posted by on Feb 2, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I primarily go day hiking in the Gorge during the winter time because it gets very little snow compared to the mountains, high and rushing rivers with dramatic waterfalls along quiet trails. Spots like Cedar Swamp and 71/2 Mile Camp near Twister Falls are also good winter backpacking trip to boot, offering good exploring options […]