One Day Wilderness-Sugarland Mountain Trail

Le Conte
I was out with a new friend that was talking about trying to complete her “ Map” signifying that she have hiked all the Trails in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. From the years of guides I did in the Park and personal trips, I have hiked a lot of them too. It occurred to me that my nostalgia level for the Smokies was higher than I expected it was. A while back I highlighted my Map and hung it on the side of the refrigerator, but it faded in the sun. Recently I took a permanent marker and filled in the trails I have had on there before and completed since then and found I had very little miles to finish mine. Anyway ever since I moved here the Sugarland Mountain TR has had sections of its 11.7 mile length. I hiked the splendid upper 5 miles on a winter trip a couple of months ago and I wanted to hike the rest. We started from Fighting Creek Gap TH on a fine spring morning heading up to the Rough Creek Intersection. The first part of this hike gets down to business and gains the shoulder of the ridge fairly quickly. The nice part is that the rest of the miles gradually climb with the occasional flat section. After Husky Gap the forest starts opening up a bit and in leafless seasons views begin to get real good. Over your right shoulder the Little River Valley becomes more pronounced. To your left, strands of the Little Pigeon River merge as Mt. Le Conte and Chimney Tops hang above. By the time you reach the burned upper Rough Creek Drainage views reach to Clingmans Dome and the A.T. Hang out in the sun for a bit enjoying and the stellar views before heading back down. Enjoy the lovely trail grade as you cruise back to the car and a good burger.

Mossy climb

First views towards the Little River

Getting close to Husky Gap

Close to the burned area

Chimney Tops

Lovely Galax lines the Trail

Going down a Rhododendron Tunnel in lovely late day light