Trail Tales-The Hyper Dog
Me, my brother and my friend Erynn were hiking the PCT from Snoqualmie to Stevens Pass one year and rounding a corner high above Josephine Lake when these two kids came running up to us. They were telling us how their dog was up ahead of their family and fell off the steep slope on the side of the trail and plummeted down a hundred feet or so to a dirt ledge of sorts. When they came around the corner they heard yelping loudly because it was scared and the father of the two went down to get them. I peered over the edge to see this monstrous looking man in his late 40’s climbing up the slope using only the tree trunks for leverage and the now calm, dog over his shoulders. When he got back up to the trail, he looked a tad winded with a couple of scrapes for good measure, but mostly unfazed. We left the scene and continued our hike to Stevens Pass wondering who would we meet next.