Weekend Gem-N&S Fork Citico Creeks Loop

Stratton Bald
Ahhh, the Citico Wilderness. Now this is wilderness in it’s most pure form, quiet and rugged trails leading through steep drainages to rolling ridge lines graced by scenic mountain tops. I have hiked quite a bit of this area and the adjacent Joyce Kilmer over the last few years and have not been disappointed yet. This 20.5 mile trek should not be considered a viable option if heavy thunderstorms or snowmelt has occurred recently, it would make your already deep creek crossings terrifying or perhaps deadly. Start out by driving to the TH one morning, grab one last sip of coffee and head up TR #105 into the woods. The first bit of the Trail is one an old logging road that sticks fairly close to Creek and slowly heads up hill, or is flat for the majority of it. Keep your eyes peeled for flagging and markers for TR #97 that crosses the Creek and heads up hill to the ridge too. Then you cross the Creek yourself and start up a rather steep grade to a ledge above the waterway. The Creek is always in earshot of you as the Trail meanders slowly up on a different old roadbed slowly at first and then past TR #196, more aggressively up to the Fodderstack TR always seemingly farther ridge line past your view. The South Citico even at these elevations is quite formidable reminding me of the Little Pigeon in the Smokies. These higher regions of the valley has nice camps and scenic views too. Now at an intersection with #95 and #54A, make that right onto 54A or the BMT as it makes it way to Bob Stratton Bald. In a short distance make another right onto #54 Stratton Bald or Bob Bald or any mix of the two, I’ve heard em’ all. If you need water, look for a pvc pipe coming out of the ridge on your left and stock up before heading up the final bit to the Bald proper, it is a little ways away. When it starts opening up, walk through a beat camp on your right and follow the fold in the field on a camp trail to the best camping spots in the clusters of trees in the meadow. This is one of my all time favorite spots in NC, enjoy it as you recollect your 12.5 mile day.

Dropping down to the Citico

Southern pride at work. Look at that stacked wood, lovely job!


Tranquil side stream

Nice flat stream walking

Please pick up your trash please!

Waiting for a summer soak

Does this look like a face?

Blackberries vines turn red with the setting sun

Bye bye
After a windy, but beautiful night savor your morning coffee while enjoying views to the Smokies up north to the Big Frog in the south and beyond. Retrace your steps back to that first intersection and head steeply downhill on a trail marked Cherry Log Gap, that is the Big Fodderstack TR #95. Pass a nice, but dry camp before the plunge to the Gap itself where another fine camp can be found. Make that left on TR #98 and head down into the open bowl. Most of the first portion of this rugged valley trail is crossing or in the North Citico itself as the walls are to steep to cater to the likes of a sustainable tread. Further down, it becomes less steep and the trail mellows out while the walls of the canyon widen around you, lots of nice camps can be found as this scenic Creek tumbles down the mountainside. The last couple of miles are either slowly down hill or flat with enjoyable cascades ripping down the soil. It crosses the creek several more times before hitting the high bridge over the main Citico Creek, the view down is stunning. Hit the split and make that right heading back to your rig in the glorious sunshine. Get back to your car and pop open that reward beer, you earned it!

Going down to Cherry Log Gap

Coal, the other piece of the logging recipe

More great camp spot edict

A dip anyone?

And so it begins…