Weekend Gem: The Cosby Loop

Great views on Snake Den Ridge
This a great overnight or three day loop in the considerably less traveled Eastern Smokies, a section that I have been enjoying more of recently. Take HWY. 341 to the TH and start out on the Gabes Mtn. TR. as it eases it’s way deeper into the mountains on this 17.6 mile loop. After gaining a bit of elevation you reach Hen Wallow Falls, which is definitely worth the short detour into this lush nook. Your first night, if you are doing this loop in three days is #34, situated in a nice hardwood cove forest situated next to cascading Greenbriar Creek. Next, make a left on the old roadbed that is the beginning of the Maddron Bald TR and follow it on flat tread before climbing up to the Albright Grove TR. This short side trip into the Grove is a necessity in my book, and has many old Tulip poplars and Hemlocks scattered in this rolling terrain.

Hen Wallow Falls

Albright Grove!
The second half of this loop was my favorite, as you come out the Albright Grove and climb higher as the Roadies and Mtn. Laurels start to take of the landscape. Look for a side trail on the left to the Bald, great views extend out to distant peaks in all directions. Drop down a bit to Camp #29, perched on a solid ledge that has nice views to the east. Sit back and soak in this great camp and hit the hay anticipating a great morning. Start out climbing up to Snake Den Mtn. TR and make that left as you poetically traverse the top of the ridge still in a partially Heath dominated area of the Smokies, which affords great views of the entire Loop from on high. Head down, down, down back to the TH where you drive to Carver’s Orchard to have some fresh cider and delicious home style cooking.

Storm clouds clearing on Maddron Bald

The bright morning greats us on Snake Den

Painted Trillium, absolutely stunning!