Weekend Gem: Unicoi Crest Lollypop Loop

Bald River roaring
When social isolation is the name of the game, North Carolina has miles and miles of quiet trails crossing this great state.
Get away from the crowds in the Smokies on the other side of Fontana on this 31 mile route. It gives the traveler a good mix of isolated river and ridge line hiking while you whistle the days away strolling on easier rolling tread. Start on the Bald River TR. as it heads up past the Falls and into the Wilderness. This Trail packs a punch with lots of small waterfalls and cascades next to great, open camps tucked next it’s banks. In this direction, the way is mostly flat with the occasional up and downs, smooth sailing overall. In a little over 5 miles, hit Bald River Road and make a left as it follows the River coming off the Unicoi Mountains. Just after Holly Flats Campground on the right, look for a small roadside camp on the same side. Go past the fire pit towards the River and ford it. Across the water follow unmarked Kirkland Creek #85 as it follows this pretty waterway to the Unicoi Crest beyond. Cross the Creek a dozen times before it makes a hard left in a lightly forested meadow upwards. On right is the last camp before it hits up the Crest. Take a load off and settle into this nice primitive camp spot as the evening rolls in.

Bald River roaring
The next day, get up and enjoy a nice cup of joe before heading onwards and upwards to the Crest. Stock up on water at Waucheesi Creek for the dry ridge ahead. Heading in and out of a few hollers before getting up to Sandy Gap and make a left onto the BMT #82. Climb a bit before descending to Hipps Gap in a poetic fold in the Crest, a dry camp with good views becons the tired traveler. For the next 4 miles, cruise up and down past Hazelnut Knob, Nit and Round Top on the boundary between TN and NC. The last couple of miles or so are a little bit more difficult as you climb up and down a few unnamed peaks before heading up to the cool summit of Rocky Top NC (not TN). From this vantage point, you get a good view of the horseshoe shaped route ahead of you down to the big cleft in the Ridge, Sled Runner Gap. After a couple ups and downs hit the Gap and make a left down #180 on scenic Brookshire Creek. Take a deep breath knowing that 95% of the climbing on this route is now behind you, ahhhhhh. Follow this steady slope down to the a left, staying on #180 as it joins the Bald River again as the trail mellows out. Cross the Bald again and take the Road again left. Find Bald River TR. #88 again on your right and follow your footsteps and River back to your rig for a cold reward beer after a long day of hiking, it doesn’t get much better than this.

Climbing away from Kirkland Creek

Up on Rocky Top

Before winding down to Sled Runners Gap

Back on the Bald