Gear Closet-Goosefeet’s Down Vest
After searching a while for the perfect down coat, I settled on a vest. For me, a 6″5′ ft. guy, it was seemingly impossible to find the right cut coat that had the correct length of sleeve and was long enough too. So after a lifetime of disliking them, I decided that a vest was […]
One Day Wilderness-Summerland
Some wilderness places are so mesmerizing that they captivate the people that visit them time and time again, Summerland is one of these places. Subalpine meadows stretch to rocky expanses under the shadow of Little Tahoma, while icy streams drain the glaciers empty into tarns of green. Spend a day (or two) wandering this idyllic […]
One Day Wilderness-Toutle Trail
Hiking into the Blast Zone at Mt. St. Helens is always an startling experience for everyone, a real eye opener if you will. Even 36 years after the earth shattering eruption of the Mountain, the area fills the soul with a lonely/inspired feeling impossible to replicate in other wilderness settings in the Northwest. This trail […]