Momentous Adventures -The Three Sisters Loop
This is the grand slam of Central Oregon’s Three Sisters area, as you get to see most of the best spots in one fantastic trip. Start off on this 59 mile loop that includes a vast wild flower meadow, deep green lakes and high passes that get you closer to this volcanic family. It is […]
Momentous Adventures-The Great Goat Rocks Figure 8 Loop (part 2)
Traveling along the Goat Rocks Crest is one of the finest ridge top hikes in the Cascades, if not the best! Views extend in all directions of high peaks and down to basins of green off both sides of the Crest. This 68 mile trek will test your route finding skills, endurance and gusto, but […]
Momentous Adventures-The Great Goat Rocks Figure 8 Loop (part 1)
The Goat Rocks has always held a air of mystery for me. Are these broken peaks the remnants of a once great Cascade peak or a collection of smaller mountains, like the Sisters? Anyway, I struck out across this shattered landscape to explore the Crest and some less traveled pockets of this mighty wilderness area […]