Gear Closet-Gossamer Gear’s Bear Hanger

Posted by on May 2, 2016 in Uncategorized | No Comments


Every backpacker needs to hang their food (or should) at night or when out romping around for the day. Over the years, I have used several different different kinds of rope/sack combos, even starting out just tying a rock to a rope before I knew any better. At any rate, I have evolved to using this ultralight dyneema sack and the amazing Dynaglide that Gossamer Gear sells. It comes in 50 feet sections for $16.00 and is the clear winner for durability and easy hanging because it is slick and does not snag as easy on limbs, and in turn does not cause the same damage to the tree as regular uncoated rope will. Also, it seems a tad more ridged than a normal rope, so it tends to get less knots in it. So, if you are in the market for a bear hanger you should check out their website for this great $25.75 combo, the trees will thank you for it.

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